

Barbieri, N., Marzucchi, A., & Rizzo, U. (2023). Green technologies, interdependencies, and policy. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. Forthcoming.

Barbieri, N., Consoli, D., Marin, G., Perruchas, F. (2023). Green technology and income inequality: an empirical analysis of US Metro Areas. Regional Studies, Forthcoming.

Barbieri, N., & Rizzo, U. (2022). The impact of crime on firm entry. Journal of Regional Science, Forthcoming.

Napolitano, L., Sbardella, A., Consoli, D., Barbieri, N., Perruchas, F. (2022). Green innovation and income inequality: A complex system analysis. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 63, 224-240, Open access.

Barbieri, N., Ramaciotti, L., & Rizzo, U. (2022). The relationship between R&D knowledge spillovers and employment entry. The Annals of Regional Science, Forthcoming. Open access.

Barbieri, N., Consoli, D., Napolitano, L., Perruchas, F., Pugliese, E., & Sbardella, A. (2022). Regional technological capabilities and green opportunities in Europe. Journal of Technology Transfer, Forthcoming. Open access.

Barbieri, N., Mazzanti, M., Montini, A., & Rampa, A. (2022). Risk Attitudes to Catastrophic Events: VSL and WTP for Insurance Against Earthquakes. Economics of Disasters and Climate Change, 6, 317–337. Open access.

Auci, S., Barbieri, N., Coromaldi, M., & Michetti, M. (2021). Climate variability, innovation and firm performance: evidence from the European agricultural sector. European Review of Agricultural Economics, 48(5), 1074-1108.

Barbieri, N., Perruchas, F., & Consoli, D. (2020). Specialization, Diversification, and Environmental Technology Life Cycle. Economic Geography, 96(2) 161-186.

Barbieri, N., Marzucchi, A., & Rizzo, U. (2020). Knowledge sources and impacts on subsequent inventions: Do green technologies differ from non-green ones?. Research Policy, 49(2).

Perruchas, F., Consoli, D., & Barbieri, N. (2020). Specialisation, diversification and the ladder of green technology development. Research Policy, 49(3).

Auci, S., Barbieri, N., Coromaldi, M., & Vignani, D. (2020). Innovation for climate change adaptation and technical efficiency: an empirical analysis in the European agricultural sector. Economia Politica, 38(2), 597-623.

Rizzo, U., Barbieri, N., Ramaciotti, L., & Iannantuono, D. (2020). The division of labour between academia and industry for the generation of radical inventions. Journal of Technology Transfer, 45, pages393–413.

Barbieri, N., & Consoli, D. (2019). Regional diversification and green employment in US metropolitan areas. Research Policy, 48(3), 693-705.

Sbardella, A., Perruchas, F., Napolitano, L., Barbieri, N., & Consoli, D. (2018). Green Technology Fitness. Entropy, 20(10), 776. Open access.

Barbieri, N., & Palma, A. (2017). Mapping energy-efficient technological advances in home appliances. Energy Efficiency, 10(3), 693-716.

Barbieri, N. (2016). Fuel prices and the invention crowding out effect: Releasing the automotive industry from its dependence on fossil fuel. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 111, 222-234.

Barbieri, N., Ghisetti, C., Gilli, M., Marin, G., & Nicolli, F. (2016). A survey of the literature on environmental innovation based on main path analysis. Journal of Economic Surveys, 30(3), 596-623.

Barbieri, N. (2015). Investigating the impacts of technological position and European environmental regulation on green automotive patent activity. Ecological economics, 117, 140-152.

Other publications

Sbardella, A., Barbieri, N., Consoli, D., Napolitano, L., Perruchas, F. and Pugliese, E. (2022) The regional green potential of the European Innovation System Industrial R&I – JRC Policy Insights. Open access

Asquith, M., Speck, S.U. (EEA), Barbieri, N., Beretta, I., Costantini, V., D’Amato, A., Gilli, M., Marin, G., Mazzanti, M., Tagliapietra, S., Zoboli, R., Zoli, M.(SEEDS), Paleari, S. (IRCrES-CNR) and Bassi, A.M. (KnowlEdge) (2021). Reflecting on green growth. Creating a resilient economy within environmental limits European Environmental Agency, Report No 11/2021. ETC/WMGE 2021/11, European Environmental Agency, Denmark. Open access

Barbieri, N., Beretta, I., Costantini, V., D’Amato, A., Gilli, M., Marin, G., Mazzanti, M., Tagliapietra, S., Zoboli, R., Zoli, M.(SEEDS), Paleari, S. (IRCrES-CNR), Bassi, A.M. (KnowlEdge) and Speck, S.U. (EEA) (2021). Sustainability transition and the European Green Deal: A macro-dynamic perspective European Environmental Agency, Report No 8/2021. ETC/WMGE 2021/8, European Environmental Agency, Denmark. Open access

Speck, S., Zoboli, R., Paleari, S., Marin, G., Mazzanti, M., Costantini, V., Barbieri, N., Gilli, M., D’Amato, A., Zoli, M., Sforna, G., Bassi, A. (2020). The sustainability transition in Europe in an age of demographic and technological change: An exploration of implications for fiscal and financial strategies European Environmental Agency, Report No 23/2019. ISSN 1977-8449, European Environmental Agency, Denmark. Open access

Antonioli, D., Barbieri, N., Fontani, C., Quatrosi, M. (2020). Indagine qualitativa di approfondimento tematico: Survey alle imprese aderenti a Fondartigianato. Progetto Monitoraggio 2018. Fondartigianato. Open access

Kemp, R., Arundel, A., Rammer, C., Miedzinski, M., Tapia, C., Barbieri, N., Turkeli, S., Bassi, A.M., Mazzanti, M., Chapman, D., Diaz López, F., McDowall, W. (2019). Maastricht Manual on Measuring Eco-Innovation for a Green Economy. Innovation for sustainable development network. ISBN: Pending. Maastricht, the Netherlands. August 2019. Open access

Barbieri, N., Perruchas, F., & Consoli, D. (2019). Eco-Innovazione, Diversificazione e Competitività Internazionale. pp.270-276. In L’Italia nell’Economia Internazionale - Rapporto ICE 2018-2019 - ISBN:978-88-98597-22-2. Italian Trade & Investment Agency. Open access

Zoboli, R., Barbieri, N., Ghisetti, C., Marin, G., & Paleari, S. (2019). Towards an Innovation-Intensive Circular Economy. Integrating Research, Industry and Policies. Report October 2019, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei. Open access

Working papers